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September 13, 2021
Author: Yorika Morita

U.S. Registered Patent Agent and Career Girls role model Yoriko Morita welcomes Linda Calhoun on her Novel & Non-Obvious podcast.

A strong brand starts with a strong and relatable story. From there, it's about remaining laser focused on the audience you want to reach and the product you want to create, and then protecting that brand with trademarks and other IP action when necessary.

That's the path that Career Girls® founder Linda Calhoun has taken with her nonprofit organization. Career Girls is a free, non-commercial, online platform that features more than 16,000 short video clips of 800 diverse women role models sharing career and educational advice to inspire young girls to expand their horizons, improve their academic performance and dream big about their futures.

Linda joins Yoriko to discuss the work that Career Girls does to support the career development of girls nationwide and how it has built a purpose-driven brand.

Listen to the podcast episode here.