All Videos (19)
- What I Do
- Working Offshore
- Helicopter Crash Survival Training
- Being an Engineer in a Large Company
- Deciding Where to Drill
- Great Part
- Education
- Favorite Subjects
- Goals
- Heroes
- Skills From Childhood
- Family Support
- Staying Motivated
- Why Chemical Engineering
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Did it Anyway
- You Want to Really Like What You Do
- Engineering is a Good Career Choice
- Advice
Watch Shyann Roy, Chemical Engineer and Procurement Manager for Schlumberger in Houston, share how engineering is a great career choice. Because engineers learn how to learn, they can perform almost any job, and employers are always looking to hire them. She recalls one of her first jobs of working and living 90 miles offshore on an oil platform. To pass the survival training test, she was strapped into a helicopter, submerged in water, flipped upside down, and had to break out a window and swim to safety - all while wearing a yellow flight suit with steel toes.
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