Asia Denson
Construction CEO
All Videos (30)
- What I Do
- Typical Day
- Great Part
- My Career Path
- What Does a General Contractor Do
- My Current Construction Projects
- How I Find my Sub-Contractors
- Renovating an old House
- How I use my Engineering Training in Construction
- Why Entrepreneurship
- Why Construction
- Why Should Girls Consider a Career in Construction
- Challenges
- Skills to Develop
- Education
- Favorite Subjects
- Helpful Teachers
- Skills From Childhood
- Did It Anyway
- Goals
- Heroes
- Staying Motivated
- Family Support
- Advice
- Overcoming Obstacles
- How to Cultivate Resilience
- Importance of Math
- Importance of Time Management
- Tips for Working in A Male Dominated Field
Watch Asia Denson, CEO of Denson Construction Services, share how she specializes in renovating distressed properties. She loves that she can visualize 10 to 15 steps ahead how to transform a dilapidated home into something beautiful. Girls should consider a career in construction not just because it is fun, but because you will learn a lot and it is often a career in high demand. Her advice is to not ever let anyone or anything stop you from what you want to do. You are the only barrier to your success.
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