Kimberly Xie
Maps and Data Operations Manager
All Videos (26)
- What I Do
- Typical Day
- Great Part
- Career Path
- Toyota Research Institute (TRI)
- What is a Lidar
- How are Digital Maps Created
- Working With TRI Tokyo
- Using Data Science in Image Mapping
- Why Data Science
- Why Should Girls Consider Data Science
- Challenges
- Skills to Develop
- Education
- Favorite Subjects
- Skills From Childhood
- Did It Anyway
- Goals
- Staying Motivated
- Family Support
- Volunteering at a Cat Shelter
- Advice
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Overcoming Cultural Barriers
- How to Be a Good Team Member
- Turning my Passion into a Career
Watch Kimberly Xie, Manager of Maps and Data Operations at Toyota Research Institute. She leads her teams in the planning and creation of self-driving cars. The most rewarding part of her job is providing safe autonomous vehicles that are changing the world. Kimberly says that girls should consider a career in data science because, with current technology, there is a high demand for good scientists to analyze and process data. Her advice to girls is to trust yourself, work hard, and find people who will support you in your goals.
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