Aisha Krieger
All Videos (22)
- What I Do
- A Typical Day
- Responding to an Emergency Call
- Arriving at the Fire
- How to Become a Firefighter
- Great Part
- Why a Firefighter
- Why Girls Should Consider Being a Firefighter
- Challenges
- Science Behind Firefighting
- Education
- Favorite Subjects
- Goals
- Helpful Teachers
- Heroes
- Skills From Childhood
- Family Support
- Staying Motivated
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Did It Anyway
- Fire Prevention and Safety Tips
- Advice
Watch Aisha Krieger, Lieutenant in the San Francisco Fire Department, share how she tried out several jobs before discovering what she wanted in a career; she didn't want to sit behind a desk, she wanted every day to be a little different, to work on a team, and to make people's lives better. After a friend suggested she apply to be a firefighter, she landed a job on an engine team and found the perfect fit. For her, the most satisfying part of her job is being able to help people every day. On somebody's worst day, she 's able help it begin to get better.
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