Victoria Budson
Public Policy Analyst
All Videos (32)
- What I Do
- My Career Path
- Typical Day
- Great Part
- Why a Career in gender Equity
- Why Consider a Career in Public Policy
- Why Should Girls Run for Office
- Challenges
- Skills to Develop
- Women & Public Policy Program at Hardvard
- What is Gender Gap
- Closing the Gender Pay Gap
- The Pay Equity Bill in Massachussetts
- Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women
- Diversity and Inclusion Increases the Bottom Line
- Gender Equity Impacts Everyone
- Meeting Barack and Michelle Obama
- Resources for Career Salary
- Education
- Favorites
- Helpful Teachers
- Skills From Childhood
- Did it Anyway
- Heroes
- Goals
- Staying Motivated
- Family Support
- Advice
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Tips to be Resilient
- Strategies to Help Close the Wage Gap
- Importance of Financial Literacy
Watch Victoria Budson, the Executive Director of the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard University, where she helps train and educator leaders to close gaps for women and girls. She is able to have work with policy leaders such as former President Obama and his White House Counsel of Women and Girls. What she finds most rewarding about her work is that she has the privilege and honor to work with women all over the world and find different ways to impact their lives and amplify their success. Her advice to girls is to not worry and to focus on doing your best and know that if something isn’t okay it isn’t the end, in end, everything will be okay.
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