Natasha Kassami
Social Entrepreneur
All Videos (30)
- What I Do
- My Career Path
- Typical Day
- Great Part
- Challenges
- Skills to Develop
- What is Africa Code Week
- Great Part of Africa Code Week
- What is a BV Kit
- The Resilient African Network
- The Ran for Girls Initiative
- Innovations Designed by Girls
- STEM Power Program
- The Importance of Integrity
- Education
- Favorite Subject
- Helpful Teachers
- Skills From Childhood
- Did It Anyway
- Heroes
- Goals
- Future Goals for Africa Code Week
- Staying Motivated
- Family Support
- Advice
- Overcoming Obstacles
- How to be Resilient
- Choosing Friends
Watch Social Entrepreneur Natasha Kassami, who is the engagement officer at the ResilientAfrica Network (RAN). This partnership of 18 African universities, funded by USAID, is spread across 13 countries. RAN’s focus is to get innovative solutions from the universities to communities that need them. Natasha finds it rewarding to work with like-minded young people ― seeing their passion as they come up with solutions that make a difference. Her advice to girls is: “Believe in yourself and if you don’t, just look at someone who does and what you can take from that.”
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