Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Religious Studies focuses on religion. Religious Studies majors learn about religious beliefs, traditions, and religious systems from all over the world.
For this major you’ll take lots of religious studies classes. But you’ll also need to take classes in the arts, science, math, and social sciences to earn your bachelor’s degree. These extra courses help make sure that you graduate from college with all of the skills you’ll need to prepare for a successful career in religious studies.
Sample Courses
Religious Studies Courses:
- Introduction to Religious Studies
- Understanding the Bible
- Religion of Ancient Israel
- Introduction to Judaism
- Native American Religions
- Origin of Christian Theology
- Islam: Beliefs and Practices
- The Buddhist Tradition in Asia
- Ancient Egyptian Culture and Religion
- Medieval Philosophy
- Philosophy and the Christian Faith
- Renaissance and Reformation
- Wars of Religion
- Religion and Society
- The Anthropology of Religion
- Women and Christianity
General Curriculum Requirements:
- Arts Courses: Art, History, Languages, Literature, Music
- Math Courses: Algebra, Calculus, Computer Science, Logic, Statistics
- Natural Sciences Courses: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics
- Social Sciences Courses: Anthropology, Economics, Government, Psychology, Sociology