Linda Strause
Biotech Consultant
All Videos (20)
- What I Do
- Why Now is a Great Time to be in Science
- Why Girls Should Consider Careers in Biotech
- What Makes a Good Scientist
- Why Drug Development
- Drug Development Process
- Great Part
- Challenges
- Education
- Young Women in Bio
- Goals
- Heroes
- Skills From Childhood
- Skills to Develop
- Family Support
- Staying Motivated
- Lettuce Won't Make You Thin, Ice Cream Won't Make You Fat
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Keeping the Big Picture in Mind
- Advice
Watch Linda Strause, Ph.D., biotech consultant and Assistant Professor at UC San Diego, share why today is a great time to consider careers in science. She lists passion, creativity, and thinking outside the box as three traits that girls should develop to have successful careers as scientists. In her college level nutrition course, she teaches students about the importance of whole body health. Her advice is balance; eating lettuce won't make you thin, and eating birthday cake won't make you obese.
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