Tech CEO
All Videos (29)
- What I Do
- (Tswana) What I Do
- Typical Day
- Career Path
- Great Part
- Why A Coding Teacher
- Why Work In ICT
- Why Girls Should Learn To Code
- Why Should Girls Consider Career In ICT
- (Tswana) Why GIrls Should Work In Coding
- Challenges
- Skills To Develop
- GirlHype
- Education
- Favorites
- Helpful Teachers
- Skills From Childhood
- Did It Anyway
- Heroes
- Goals
- Staying Motivated
- Family Support
- Advice
- Importance of Integrity
- After School Work Experience
- Girls Using Technology To Solve Problems
- How To Be Resilliant
- Africa Code Week
- GirlHype At Africa Code Week
Watch Baratang Miya, founder, CEO and mentor at Girlhype Coders, share how she teaches girls and women to code. She explains why they should consider careers in Information, Communication, Technology (ICT), and STEM. Miya says that girls should consider careers in the tech world because there's a lack of women's voices in those fields. At Girlhype, she finds funding and partners for the organization, including human resources managers who help students find jobs when they finish training. The most rewarding part of her job, she says, is seeing girls and women who grew up in shacks complete their Girlhype training, get jobs and move into the middle class. She advises young girls to focus, saying that as a girl she spent all her time reading and dreaming about where she wanted to be in the future.