Technology Careers

Technology Careers (1:32)
“Technology is everywhere around us. Not only in computers and phones, but in your refrigerator, in your car. The need to understand how technology works is fundamental in everything that we do. And I would hate to see young girls close off half of the world ahead of them by not getting that foundation.”
Role models in order of appearance: Leah McGowen-Hare, Theresia Gouw, Sasha Williams, Kristin Darby, and Jacquelle Amankonah.
1) The first technology role model said that a career in technology is “more interesting than you think.” That tells us that many people think a career in technology is not interesting. How can you know for sure if a career in technology is actually interesting or not?
2) The same technology role model said that a career in technology is challenging and will “open doors for you.” What does it mean when a career “opens doors for you”?
3) In the video, we learned that when a woman prepares for a career in technology she has a chance to be a pioneer. How does having a career in technology make you a pioneer?
4) The video reminds us that technology is all around us, not just in our phones and computers, but everywhere in our daily lives. Where have you noticed new technologies making a difference in your life?
5) Sometimes a career in technology can be combined with other interests. What other interests do you have that might be successfully combined with a career in technology?
6) Technology experts usually earn a lot of money in their careers. How does earning a good salary help you enjoy more freedom? How important do you think salary considerations should be when selecting a career? Explain your answer.
7) Technology experts create applications we use on our computers, tablets, and phones. These applications help us lead better lives. What application do you wish you could create that would help people live better lives?
Girls should consider a career in computing and technology because it’s a lot more interesting than I think you would believe. It’s challenging. It will open doors for you, one, because there are not that many women in there right now. And so there’s room to be a pioneer in many industries.
Technology is everywhere around us. Not only in computers and phones, but in your refrigerator, in your car. The need to understand how technology works is fundamental in everything that we do. And I would hate to see young girls close off half of the world ahead of them by not getting that foundation.
If technology is what you love, go out there and code, do technology.
If you enjoy problem-solving, troubleshooting, if you like doing puzzles, you will love coding. And this is just a basic skillset that can carry you so much further.
Historically, in my career, I’ve created quite a few software applications. And what’s really rewarding is seeing people benefit from those applications.
I’ve also been able to do some cool things with advanced technology. So I’ve worked in past on mobile when mobile was just starting. I’m very excited to be able to continue down the path of technology and see what brand new things are going to come to effect this world.
It’s amazing where you find an idea, and that one spark becomes millions of sparks. You can impact the world yourself.
Independent Learning Guide: This all-purpose guide can be used by educators, parents, and mentors to jumpstart a lively discussion about technology careers.
How did you use technology today? If you used a phone, a refrigerator, or a car, bus or train, you were seeing technology at work. Technology is part of our everyday lives. It’s also why you can be looking at this video right now about careers in tech! Watch this video to find out how you can be part of the brand new things that will become part of your world.
Classroom Lesson Plan: This step-by-step lesson plan is available to guide a more in-depth “before, during, and after” learning experience when viewing the video with students. This lesson plan is also suitable for use in after-school programs and other educational settings.
Use Empowerment Activities as a fun way to reinforce the video topic and build community with your students.
Fun Page Activity: How much do you know about what it takes to get into a career in tech? Answer five quick questions to find out, and boost your knowledge at the same time.