Why Entrepreneurship

Why Entrepreneurship (1:52)
“For me, entrepreneurship means freedom. You have the freedom to explore yourself. You have the freedom to explore things out there and to just challenge yourself and to find a way forward and to make a way out of no way.”
Role models in order of appearance: Feteh Asrat, Nina Renner Thomas, Jessica Hubley, Helen Adeosun, Natalie Cosby, and Katherine Hays.
1) At the beginning of the video, a role model told us, “I’m a change maker… I always tell myself, ‘I can’t be regular.'” Do you think you’re a change maker? What changes have you helped make at home, school, work, or elsewhere? Why were these changes important?
2) Entrepreneurs often have to “make a way out of no way”. This means finding a way forward even when you’re not sure how to keep going. Have you ever had to “make a way out of no way”? What challenges or roadblocks have you had in your life and how did you overcome them?
3) One role model told us that, “We have so much power. We hold so much energy and… the world needs to see that.” What do you think this role model meant? Does everyone have power and energy?
4) Listeners learned that entrepreneurs get to build their own teams and create the type of company or business where they would want to work. What things might be important to think about when building a team? What types of people would you select to work on your team? Why?
5) A role model told us that being an entrepreneur allows you to follow your passions. No matter what you are passionate about, being an entrepreneur means you can find a way to turn that passion into a business. What are some of the types of things that you are passionate about?
6) Think about your answers to the last question. Which one of these ideas are you most passionate about? What are some ways you might turn this passion into a business?
I’m a changemaker. I believe I’m a changemaker. I always tell myself I can’t be regular. I am a changemaker. I want to be somebody. So I push those buttons that could make a difference to many people’s life.
For me, entrepreneurship means freedom. You have the freedom to explore yourself. You have the freedom to explore things out there and to just challenge yourself and to find a way forward and to make a way out of no way.
Entrepreneurship, for me, is the opportunity to build the kind of company that you want to work at and solve all the problems the way you think is best.
You get to build your own team, right? And so you’re choosing a lot of your own fate and your own pathway, which is a lot of fun.
Whatever you’re passionate about, whether it’s finances or wellness or fashion, or whether you’re a political pundit, whatever you’re doing, a life coach, when you’re able to bring that, it just brings a whole other energy, right? We have so much power. We hold so much energy. And the thing is the world needs to see that.
I encourage you to think of an idea, your vision, your talent, and to making it a business at the same time, helping your people.
If you get excited by seeing a vision and seeing an opportunity and thinking about how you could solve that problem, go after that opportunity, and rallying a team of people to go and build that with you, then there’s no better path than being an entrepreneur.
Independent Learning Guide: This all-purpose guide can also be used by educators, parents, and mentors to jumpstart a valuable discussion about the excitement that can come from a career as an entrepreneur.
Classroom Lesson Plan: This step-by-step lesson plan is available to guide a more in-depth “before, during, and after” learning experience when viewing the video with students. This lesson plan is also suitable for use in after-school programs and other educational settings.
Use Empowerment Activities as a fun way to reinforce the video topic and build community with your students.
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