Classroom Lesson Plans
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, career-based, career based, AI, ML(356.36 KB, pdf) -
Authenticity – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Authenticity Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, skill-based, skill based(295.12 KB, pdf) -
Be Confident: Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Be Confident Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, videos, CLP, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, confidence(252.52 KB, pdf) -
Become A Content Creator – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Become A Content Creator Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, career-based, career based, explore(251.75 KB, pdf) -
Become a Leader – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Become a Leader Empowerment Video.Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, leadership, leading
(266.97 KB, pdf) -
Build Your Personal Brand – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Build Your Personal Brand Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, skill-based, skill based, building(291.60 KB, pdf) -
Building Wealth – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Building Wealth Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, finance, finances, money, investing, financially literate, building wealth(344.89 KB, pdf) -
Career Comics 2
Use your imagination to create comics that explore questions about careers: What is this job like? Your comics can be funny, silly, clever, serious, or any combination. (Print multiple copies to create comics for more than one career.)
Keywords: printable, printables, comic strip(23.68 KB, pdf) -
Career Exploration 101 – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Career Exploration 101 Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, videos, career-based, career based, CLP, explore(264.23 KB, pdf) -
Choosing Friends – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Choosing Friends Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, friend, friendship, choose(300.76 KB, pdf) -
Choosing the Right Friends – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Choosing the Right Friends Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, choosing, friends, friendship(258.24 KB, pdf) -
Conflict Resolution – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Conflict Resolution Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, skill-based, skill based(123.72 KB, pdf) -
Dealing With Haters: Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Dealing With Haters Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, videos, CLP, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, bully, bullying, bullies(130.70 KB, pdf) -
Designing Your Destiny: Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Designing Your Destiny Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, videos, CLP, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, design(151.17 KB, pdf) -
Developing Communication Skills – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Developing Communication Skills Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, communications, communicating, communicate, develop communications(250.61 KB, pdf) -
Developing Writing Skills – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Developing Writing Skills Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, soft skills, skill-based, skill based, develop writing, written, communication, communications(252.39 KB, pdf) -
Empathy – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Empathy Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, skill-based, skill based(124.26 KB, pdf) -
Engineering Careers – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Engineering Careers Empowerment Lesson Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, career-based, career based, engineer, career(249.94 KB, pdf) -
Environmental Science Careers – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Environmental Science Careers Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, career-based, career based, explore, environment(120.04 KB, pdf) -
Environmental Science Issues – Classroom Lesson Plan
This guide facilitates whole-class and small-group learning with the Environmental Issues Empowerment Video. Keywords: classroom lesson plans, CLP, videos, skill-based, skill based, environment(136.23 KB, pdf)
Browse Classroom Lesson Plans
Classroom Lesson Plans are step-by-step guides to provide a more in-depth “before, during, and after” learning experience when viewing an Empowerment Lesson video. While designed with school settings in mind, you might also find this resource helpful with Career Girls Clubs or other group programs.