
Authenticity Empowerment Video - The most important thing in life is to be yourself. But sometimes being authentic, or truly yourself, can feel hard. The role models in this video share their advice for discovering the parts of yourself that make you unique and special. They also provide powerful guidance on staying true to yourself and refusing to change who you are for others. Learn how to identify what makes your heart sing and stay true to yourself regardless of what other people think.

Authenticity (3:46)

“Make sure that you’re not changing yourself to please other people. That’s something that I’ve really had to work on throughout my life.”

Role models in order of appearance: Charmin Roundtree-Baaqee, Lauren Spencer, Day Permuy, Darcy Henrikson, and Lilan Kane,

Quick Start

1) The role models in the video encouraged listeners to always show the authentic version of themselves to the world. What traits or attributes make up your authentic self? Is it easy or hard to show your authentic self? Do some people or locations make it easier to be authentic? Explain your answer.

2) One role model told listeners that “a bit of advice [she would give]… is to not be afraid to be yourself because you won’t always fit into a box.” What do you think this advice means? What “box” is she talking about? Can you think of any “box” in your life that you don’t “fit into”?

3) Listeners learned that it can feel easier to follow along instead of standing up for yourself or trusting your instincts. Can you think of any examples in your life where you decided to follow along instead of trusting your instincts? What happened? Why might it be easier to go along with everyone else instead of doing or saying something different?

4) One role model said, “Find out who you are, and be that person… [don’t] be the person that you think somebody else is trying to make you or that they’re expecting of you.” Have you ever felt pressured to do or say something? What happened? How could you handle a situation like this in the future?

5) One role model emphasized that our differences make the world more interesting and exciting. What makes you unique or different from other members of your family? Your friends? How can you use these differences to make your environment more interesting or exciting? What unique ideas or perspectives can you offer?

6) The last role model left us with a powerful thought. She wants you to “remember to be brave and be yourself because that is beautiful.” Why is this such good advice? What can you do to help remind yourself to be brave and show your authentic self no matter where you are?

Video Transcript

A bit of advice that I would pass on to a young girl is to not be afraid to be yourself because you won’t always fit into a box. And I find that as an engineer, I don’t fit in a typical box. I don’t fit because I’m a woman, because I’m African-American, and because I have big hair. So I think I’ve learned that all of these things make me who I am, and who I am is what I’m bringing to the table. And I want you– I want someone to see the authentic version of me. And I think as a student, it’s really easy to allow people around you to dictate who you should be and how you should look, how you should carry yourself. But you’re different, and you’re special, and that’s what makes you great.

Believe yourself because as girls, we’re often taught that what we think or the gut instincts we have about things are not true, or that we should second-guess ourselves, or when we know our truth or speak an opinion, that we should take a step back and reconsider if it’s inconvenient for other people. And you know who you are, and you know what you think. That doesn’t mean you don’t learn new things or change your mind. But you know what you want to do, and you know what’s true to you in the moment. And so believe yourself first. Take in what other people have to say, ask for other opinions. Not only listen to them; ask for them. Ask for advice. But at the end of the day, you’re the one who has to live in your body, in your life with your choices.

Find out who you are and to be that person and to not be the person that you think somebody else is trying to make you or that they’re expecting of you because when you become an adult and you have knowledge of what you are and who you are, it garners respect from people. And I think that, in general, it just makes, every day, everything you do so much easier. And it’s easy for you to look at yourself in the mirror every morning and feel good about yourself.

Make sure that you’re not changing yourself to please other people. That’s something that I’ve really had to work on throughout my life. I wouldn’t be where I was today if I hadn’t unintentionally made some people unhappy. As much as I try not to, as much as I am a people pleaser, I think making sure that you have a voice, that you speak up for yourself, that’s very important. Making sure you’re spending time getting to know yourself as well, what makes your heart sing, what makes you who you are.

Just be brave and be yourself. And don’t worry what other people think of you, which is easy to say, but it’s easy, also, to worry what that person thinks of what you said or how you look or what you’re doing or what your voice sounds like. And it doesn’t matter because there’s no one like you. And if there was and if everybody was the same, it would be very boring. So I think it’s really exciting that everybody has something to offer. And someone may say something that may hurt your feelings or make you doubt yourself. But just remember to be brave and be yourself because that’s beautiful.

Discussion Guide

Authenticity Independent Learning Guide: This all-purpose guide can be used by educators, parents, and mentors to jumpstart a lively discussion about authenticity.

Classroom Lesson Plan

The most important thing in life is to be yourself. But sometimes being authentic, or truly yourself, can feel hard. The role models in this video share their advice for discovering the parts of yourself that make you unique and special. They also provide powerful guidance on staying true to yourself and refusing to change who you are for others. Learn how to identify what makes your heart sing and stay true to yourself regardless of what other people think.

Authenticity Classroom Lesson Plan: This step-by-step lesson plan is available to guide a more in-depth “before, during, and after” learning experience when viewing the video with students. This lesson plan is also suitable for use in after-school programs and other educational settings.

Empowerment Activities

Use Empowerment Activities as a fun way to reinforce the video topic and build community with your students.

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Fun Page Activity

Authenticity Fun Page Activity – What makes you unique? What things do you love? To be authentic, you have to know yourself. Use this quick fun page activity to brainstorm all the unique parts that make you special.