Management & Leadership
A major in management and leadership teaches you the skills you need to become a manager or leader in a business.
For this major you’ll take lots of management and leadership, and core business classes. But you’ll also need to take classes in the arts, science, math, and social sciences to earn your bachelor’s degree. These extra courses help make sure that you graduate from college with all of the skills you’ll need to prepare for a successful career in management and leadership.
Management and Leadership Courses:
- Managing People and Organizations
- Leadership
- Strategic Management
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Competitive Advantage: Creating a Diverse Workforce
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development
- Organizational Change and Development
- Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
- Organizational Staffing
- Organizational Rewards and Compensation
- Human Resource Management
- Personal Skills Managing People
- General Management Processes
- International Management
- Small Enterprise Management
Core Business Courses:
- Business Law
- Business Information Systems
- Principles of Finance
- Managing People and Organizations
- Principles of Marketing
- Financial Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Principles of Microeconomics
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Supply Chain Management
- Business Statistics
General Curriculum Requirements:
- Arts Courses: Art, History, Languages, Literature, Music
- Math Courses: Algebra, Calculus, Computer Science, Logic, Statistics
- Natural Sciences Courses: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics
- Social Sciences Courses: Anthropology, Economics, Government, Psychology, Sociology
“I am a management major, and I chose this because growing up, especially in high school, I found that I really enjoyed taking leadership positions. Because of that, I found out that I really liked managing people. That’s why I decided to go into the management major.”

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