Chemistry Major | University of San Francisco

Get college advice from chemistry major Deja, at University of San Francisco. She gives tips on how to choose a major, adjusting to college life and being successful in college.

Q&A: Chemistry Major – Deja N (2:10)

“I am a chemistry major, and I chose that because I love problem-solving and I love to learn how the world works.”

Why College

You should go to college because after you get your degree, the world has no boundaries or no limits whatsoever.

What I Love About College

My favorite part is the freedom. I live on campus and I get to choose my own schedule. I get to study when I see fit, and then I get to go out and have fun too. I like to plan my day the way I want it, and I love it.

Choosing a College

I would suggest to look at all of your options. Apply to lots of schools. Apply everywhere. And if you can, if you have the opportunity, go out of state. Be independent. Go for your dreams and explore life, really.

Choosing a Major

Go for whatever you’re interested in. Don’t go for a major just because your parents are telling you to do so or you feel pressures from society. Go for what you want to go for. I would suggest that, when you choose a major, work hard. And if you like it, stick with it, and if you don’t, then change. Don’t stick with something that you don’t like.

Freshman Survival Tips

Plan it out. Don’t wait until the last minute. It doesn’t work. Study in between classes. If you have a class that ends at 10:00 and then a class that starts at 2:00, study in between them. Don’t stay up late. Don’t pull all-nighters. Try and go to bed at a reasonable time and study throughout the day. It helps.

Advice for Girls

You need to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. So as far as college goes, take that opportunity. There’s not going to be another time in your life where you’re going to be able to live these four years, so you should live them the way that you want to live them and where you want to live them. There are lots of times where you’re going to want to give up and you’re going to want to be like, “I don’t want to do this anymore.” No, stick with it. Do not waste what you want in the long term for what you want now. Look at your goals and stick with them and keep pushing.