Computer Science Major | Spelman College

Q&A: Computer Science Major – Danielle P (2:06)
“I picked computer science because, in my family, I was really good at fixing computers. When I thought about computer science, I felt like it was me and who I was, as a person.”
You should consider going to college because education is very important. The knowledge that you know and acquire, I don’t feel like anybody can take that away from you. It’s always good to master something that you’re good at, or that you are passionate, or interested in.
What I enjoy about college is meeting new people. I’m a person that is an introvert. So being around a lot of people, and being around people who I can connect with, is becoming very important to me. I think that connecting with people in the world is very important as you go forward in life.
I chose Spelman because I like the sisterhood. I’ve always wanted to be in a school where it was very intimate, face-to-face, getting to know teachers, getting that one-on-one with teachers. Spelman does that a lot. Even though there’s a good amount of students here, Spelman helps you to develop your skills, which I think that everybody needs. It gives you great opportunities for jobs, for internships.
If you’re a first generation college student, it’s very important to be confident in yourself. Whatever goals that you set, just go for them. Don’t let nobody distract you. Don’t let nobody tell you that you cannot do it because you can. Work hard and study. I think that’s the main key to your success in college.
Go for whatever you desire. I was a person that was always scared of trying because I didn’t want to fail, but I think you should always try. And if you fail, that’s okay because you learn from that failure. It’s not really a failure. It’s a lesson.
Can’t is not a word.